Scott Creek to Greenstone River, February 2021
Occasional Climber > See Images > See New Zealand – South Island > Aspiring National Park > Scott Creek to Greenstone River, February 2021

Looking northeast from about 500m, up the Dart River

Scott Creek, at about 800m

Scott Creek, at about 900m

Scott Creek, at about 1,000m

Scott Creek, at about 1,150m, looking north

Scott Creek, at about 1,250m, looking south

Scott Creek, at about 1,350m, looking north

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking south at sunset

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking north at sunset

Mt Earnslaw (2,830m) to the northeast, at sunset

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking north at dawn

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking northeast to Mt Earnslaw at dawn

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking northeast to Mt Earnslaw at dawn

Mt Earnslaw to the northeast, at sunrise

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking northeast to Mt Earnslaw

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking northeast to Mt Earnslaw

At our campsite at 1,380m, looking northeast to Mt Earnslaw

At about 1,400m, near Scott Saddle, looking northeast to Mt Earnslaw

Approaching the saddle at 1,500m, looking south

A view from the saddle, back to Mt Earnslaw

A view from the saddle, back to Mt Earnslaw

Beginning the southward descent from the saddle into Kay Creek

A view from about 1,400m back up to the saddle

At about 1,300m on the descent to Kay Creek, looking south

At about 1,100m on the descent to Kay Creek, looking south

At about 1,000m on the descent to Kay Creek, looking south

The loo just above Kay Creek Hut

Directions to the Kay Creek Hut loo

Kay Creek Hut, 900m

Inside Kay Creek Hut

Inside Kay Creek Hut

On the descent of Kay Creek below the hut, looking south at about 800m

On the descent of Kay Creek below the hut, looking south at about 700m

On the descent of Kay Creek at about 600m

On the descent of Kay Creek at about 500m

Upper Caples Hut, 480m

Beginning the southward ascent to Steele Creek Saddle

Above the treeline at about 1,250m, looking to the Humboldt Mountains, with Caples River cutting across left, Fraser Creek left, Steele Creek left of centre and Mt Bonplan (2,343m) right of centre

The view up Fraser Creek from about 1,300m

The view up Steele Creek from about 1,300m

On the south side of Steele Saddle, looking north

Beginning the southward descent from Steele Saddle

A view south down Steele Creek from about 1,250m

Entering the bushline beside Steele Creek at about 1,000m, where the trail picks up again

A view up Steele Creek from about 850m

Quirky Steele Creek Hut, 700m, looking north

Steele Creek Hut, 700m, looking south

Inside Steele Creek Hut

Steele Creek, a little south of the hut

A native Falcon/Kārearea, contemplating the drissle beside Greenstone River

Steele Creek Lodge, 530m, beside Greenstone River

A view west up Greenstone River from the bridge over the chasm near Greenstone Hut

A view east down Greenstone River from the bridge over the chasm near Greenstone Hut

An inquisitive Robin/Toutouwai, near Greenstone Hut

An inquisitive Robin/Toutouwai, near Greenstone Hut

Greenstone Hut, 520m

A view southwest, up Greenstone River at about 450m

The Hobbit-like Slip Flat Hut, 460m

At Slip Flat Hut, 460m

Slip Flat Hut, 460m

Inside Slip Flat Hut

Inside Slip Flat Hut

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