Mt Brewster via SW face, October 2018
Occasional Climber > See Images > See New Zealand – South Island > Aspiring National Park > Mt Brewster via SW face, October 2018

The obligatory wade across Haast River, right at the start of the trail (490m) up to Brewster Hut (1,440m)

On the root covered trail to Brewster Hut

It was wet from drizzle and snow melt, making the going slippery

Above the treeline at about 1,350m, below Brewster Hut

Breaching the snowline, just as we reached Brewster Hut (1,440m)

Climbing above Brewster Hut towards the 1,650m traverse contour

The snow was very soft by afternoon, with a lot of avalanche debris around - making for arduous going with heavy packs (Photo Piotr Nowak)

At about 1,800m on the approach to Mt Brewster, with Brewster Glacier down to the left

In late afternoon we got our first glimpse of the mountain and its south west face

Nearing our campsite at 1,900m, with Mt Brewster behind

At camp (1,900m)

Room with a view - Mt Brewster ahead

The weather began clearing properly at sunset. Here Top Heavy (2,076m) is centre and Brewster (2,515m) right

The south west face of Mt Brewster. Our route went almost straight up to just left of the sunlit high point. The true summit lies a little further to the right, also partly sunlit

Mt Brewster and Top Heavy at sunset

From right - Mt Brewster, Top Heavy and Mt Armstrong (2,174m) at sunset

Room with an even better view

Our destination for tomorrow holds the last of the day's sunlight

Alpenglow on Mt Brewster

Alpenglow on Mt Brewster and Top Heavy

There was a freeze overnight - my boots, despite being stowed inside our tent, were frozen solid. Dawn was clear and calm

At about 2,100m on our way to the base of the south west face

At about 2,100m on our way to the base of the south west face

From 2,200m, looking east across the south east face

From 2,200m, looking south west to Mt Armstrong

A view of Mt Aspiring from beneath Brewster's south west face

A view of Mt Aspiring from beneath Brewster's south west face

A view of Brewster Hut from beneath Brewster's south west face

Heading to the entry point (at 2,360m) to the south west face

At about 2,400m on the south west face

At about 2,450m on the south west face

Just below the summit ridge, where we exited the southwest face at about 2,480m (Photo Piotr Nowak)

Pleased to put the yawning drop of the south west face behind me for the time being (Photo Piotr Nowak)

From the summit ridge, looking back down the 180 or so metres of the south west face

A view from nearly 2,500m, north west along the main ridge of Mt Brewster. This is the only shot this way either of us took before whiteout conditions made it impossible (Photo Piotr Nowak)

Climbing east towards the high point before the true summit

At 2,500m, with a short final pitch required to pass a highly exposed knife edge between us and the true summit

Piotr enjoying having reached the true summit, viewed from my belay stance

Piotr on the summit of Mt Brewster (2,515m)

My view from the summit, back to Piotr's belay point.

On top of Mt Brewster (Photo Piotr Nowak)

The descent down narrow snow was a delicate affair. I was very glad of the rope (Photo Piotr Nowak)

Next morning, as we departed a very full Brewster Hut, with Mt Brewster and Top Heavy behind

Our view west to the main divide, on the descent above the treeline

Our view west to the main divide, on the descent above the treeline

Fantail Falls, a 2 minute walk from the trail head and car park

Read about it – Not the perfect freeze Vertigo Nov 18 Back on Brewster Wilderness Magazine Oct 20
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