Mt Philistine, June 2022
Occasional Climber > See Images > See New Zealand – South Island > Arthurs Pass > Mt Philistine, June 2022
At dawn below the Otira river bridge, looking to the initial scree climb on the right towards Warnock's Knob
The view back down Otira River to Phipps Peak (1,965m). The climb to Warnock's Knob is to the left beneath the bluffs
Above Warnock's Knob, at about 1,200m, looking across SH 73 to Phipps Peak
Climbing the steep section above Warnock's Knob, Phipps Peak behind
At 1,500m, looking west to Mt Philistine's east ridge (right) and south to Mt Rolleston (centre)
At 1,500m, looking south to Mt Rolleston (centre)
At 1,500m, looking east to Phipps Peak (left of centre)
A section of the frozen tarn at 1,500m
At 1,500m, looking west to Mt Philistine's east ridge and summit (centre) and south to Mt Rolleston (left)
At about 1,600m, looking south
At about 1,650m, looking south and east
At about 1,650m, looking west to the summit of Mt Philistine, plus the rocky 1,800m high point (right) we would climb on our descent
At about 1,650m, looking south and east
Now at 1,700m at the base of the summit cone of Philistine. The 1,800m high point is left. Mt Franklin is now also in view left of centre
At 1,850m beneath the steepest section of the climb to Philistine's summit
At 1,900m, where the terrain relents just below the summit. View north down SH 73 with Mt Alexander (1,958m) left and Mt Franklin (2,145m) right
Mt Philistine (1,967m) summit view south to Mt Rolleston (2,275m). Mt Lancelot (2,112m) is right
Mt Philistine (1,967m) summit view south to Mt Rolleston (2,275m) and Mt Lancelot (2,112m). With Rolleston River gorge to the west and Mt Alexander far right
Mt Philistine (1,967m) summit view south to Mt Rolleston (2,275m), giving a view of the traverse route between the two peaks
Mt Philistine (1,967m) summit view south to Mt Rolleston (2,275m) and Goldney Ridge
Commencing our descent from Philistine
Descending the steep 60m couloir off Philistine's north ridge
Descending the steep 60m couloir off Philistine's north ridge
The 1,800m high point dead ahead, with Mt Russel (1,868m) left of centre and Mt Franklin (2,145m) right of centre
Climbing the 1,800m high point with Mt Philistine behind. Our descent couloir is in shadow on the right dropping from the notch. Our ascent route traversed diagonally up from the left to the snowy shoulder right of the summit
1,800m view north to south
1,800m view west to Philistine and south
Our descent from the 1,800m point dropped down another steep chute for 40 or so metres
At about 1,700m, beginning a slow westward plod across slippery rocks
At about 1,600m
At about 1,540m, heading south towards Warnock's Knob, aiming to skirt beneath the bluffs at right
Icicles at a frozen waterfall at 1,500m
Now back on the ascent trail at about 1,400m
Sunset approaches as we drop back down the scree below Warnocks Knob, looking up Otira Valley
Dusk view of Phipps Peak, beyond Otira Valley
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