A Weka checks out Upper Gridiron Hut (800m)
Upper Gridiron Hut (800m)
Lower Gridiron Rock Shelter
Lower Gridiron Rock Shelter
A view from the deck at Lower Gridiron Rock Shelter
Growler Rock Shelter (900m)
Waterfall at Growler Creek
The original site of Salisbury Hut
A dusk view north from the trail near Salisbury Lodge
A dawn view to Gordon's Pyramid (right) from outside Salisbury Lodge
Salisbury Lodge (1,060m) at dawn, with Mt Arthur behind
Gordon's Pyramid (left) and the Arthur Range, from near Salisbury Lodge
Looking towards Sphinx Valley, on the Potholes Track
Looking towards Salisbury Lodge, from Sphinx Valley, on the Potholes Track
A frosty morning on the Potholes Track
Beech forest on the Potholes Track
Beech forest on the Potholes Track
At about 1,300m on the east side of Gordon's Pyramid, looking to the summit far left, and the Arthur Range stretching right from Mt Arthur
A view southwest from Gordon's Pyramid, down Leslie River
Salisbury Lodge, from Gordon's Pyramid
Approaching the top of Gordon's Pyramid, with Mt Arthur right
On top of Gordon's Pyramid (1,489m), with Mt Arthur (1,795m) left
The Carruthers Turbo Wrap - spinach wrap with Pics crunchy peanut butter, red onion, brie and chippies. Niiiiiice …
Gordon's Pyramid summit view south to Mt Arthur
Gordon's Pyramid summit view northwest to Mt Peel (1,654m, right of centre) and the Table Lands
Gordon's Pyramid summit view northwest to Mt Peel (1,654m) and the Table Lands
Gordon's Pyramid summit view northeast to Hoary Head (1,473m, distant left), Mt Crusader (1,428m, distant centre) and Lodestone (1,462m, right)
Gordon's Pyramid summit view east to Tasman Bay and the Richmond Range, with Lodestone left
A view north, on the descent from Gordon's Pyramid on the Cloustons Mine Track
Beautiful Beech forest on the Cloustons Mine Track