Baltistan – Around Concordia, August 1997
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At Concordia (4,650m) Gasherbrum IV (7,925m) appears deceptively close

Our camp at Concordia was chosen for its seclusion. This picture paints a remote and secluded scene, yet behind me as I took this picture lay a tent city of trekking groups

A short walk east of our camp got me a little closer to Gasherbrum IV – certainly a mountain worthy of quiet contemplation

The upper faces of Gasherbrum IV are so sheer that little snow or ice can stick on for long

This dusk scene captures Broad Peak (8,047m, left) and Gasherbrum IV from Concordia

Directly South of Concordia lies Mitre Peak (6,025m). Although appearing sheer, it is deemed a “trekking peak”

From the snout of the Godwin Austin glacier, which leads directly to the foot of K2, the tent city at Concordia is offset by a stunning backdrop that includes Mitre Peak (closest right), Vigne (6,874m), Chogolisa (7,665m) and Snow Dome (7,160m)

Our modest little camp was much more to my liking than the tent city 5 minutes to the West

In such desolate terrain it always impressed me how the porters could cook up a treat, Concordia

Mitre Peak in the warming rays of the morning sun, seen from Concordia

Hussain, our youngest porter at 22, working his magic in the cook tent, Concordia

Our camp at Concordia after overnight snow. Broad Peak (left) and Gasherbrum IV re-emerge from the clouds

Above Concordia the Baltoro glacier bends to the South East. Here it is a world of huge ice formations, sculptured by the elements – gravity, wind and, in this case, glacial melt on a huge scale

A good demonstration of the scale encountered on the Baltoro glacier, above Concordia

Ibrahim takes a break to enjoy Vigne Peak (6,874m) and to contemplate our impending route up the Vigne glacier to Gondogoro La

Here, the upper Baltoro glacier stretches away Southwards to Chogolisa and Snow Dome

A closer look at the Vigne peaks from above Concordia

Here is another view of Vigne, but taken from 5,200m at K2 base camp at dusk

The main event for most trekkers to Concordia begins to unfold – the summit of the gigantic pryramid of K2 (8,611m) flirts with my camera lens through swirling cloud

Here, unlike her huge companion, Angel Peak (6,858m) refuses to reveal herself

The summit section of K2, viewed from Concordia

Once the Godwin Austin glacier meets K2, it veers east and up, around the mountain’s great feet. This area is where K2 base camp is often established

As the gradient increases, the Godwin Austin glacier fractures into a frozen waterall

Seen in a clear dawn from Concordia are, from left, Angel Peak, K2 and Broad Peak

Here, from left are Cristal Peak (6,252m), Marble Peak (6,256m), Angel Peak (6,858m) and K2 (8,611m)

K2 and Angel Peak from Concordia

A closer look at K2 and Angel Peak

The inevitable photograph – the "A" team at our Concordia camp, posing with her majesty, K2

Broad Peak (8,047m) from Concordia

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