Lowlands Wildlife and Nature
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Sea Lion enclosure, Melbourne Zoo

A seal cub, Ngawi seal colony, Wairarapa, New Zealand

Gulls circle one of the Three Sisters, north Taranaki coast, New Zealand

Kaka, Wellington, New Zealand

Kaka, Stewart Island, New Zealand

Weka, Ulva Island, New Zealand

Robin, Ulva Island, New Zealand

Robin, Ulva Island, New Zealand

Robin, Ulva Island, New Zealand

Ulva Island, New Zealand

Oyster Catchers, Ulva Island, New Zealand

A duck amongst the tulips, Botanic Gardens, Wellington, New Zealand

Galahs, Alice Springs Desert Park

An owl, Alice Springs Desert Park

Flamingo, Jurong Birdpark, Singapore

Central Park, New York

A seagull on Alcatraz Island, San Francisco

Bird life on Alcatraz Island, San Francisco

Tuatara, Invercargill, New Zealand

Tuatara, Invercargill, New Zealand

Tuatara, Invercargill, New Zealand

Water Dragon, Sydney Zoo

Philippine sailfin water dragon, Melbourne Zoo

Philippine sailfin water dragon, Melbourne Zoo

Green (common) Central American Iguana, Melbourne Zoo

Komodo Dragon, Sydney Zoo

Boa constructor, Alice Springs Reptile Centre

Frog, Melbourne Aquarium

A turtle stares me down at Washington Zoo, Washington DC

Turtles in the canal beside the Potomac River, Washington DC

The T Rex enclosure, Jurassic World, Melbourne Museum

Farewell party, Jurassic World, Melbourne Museum

A local dare devil in suburban Bethesda, Washington DC

A squirrel in Central Park, New York

A squirrel in Central Park, New York

Local wildlife in suburban Bethesda, Washington DC

Koala, Melbourne Zoo

Three wise men, Sydney Zoo

Chimpanzee, Sydney Zoo

Orangutan, Melbourne Zoo

Mandrill, Melbourne Zoo

Gibbon, Sydney Zoo

Snow Leopard, Melbourne Zoo

Tiger, Sydney Zoo

Tiger, Melbourne Zoo

Lion, Melbourne Zoo

Camel, Sinai, Egypt

Butterfly, Melbourne Zoo

Giant stick insect, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Busy bee, Wairarapa, New Zealand

Bumble bee and poppy, Botanic Gardens, Wellington, New Zealand

Bee and flower, New Zealand

Insect on poppy, Botanic Gardens, Wellington, New Zealand

Botanic Gardens in spring, Wellington, New Zealand

Mallick Ghat flower market, Kolkata, India

Summer flowers at Hobbiton, near Matamata, New Zealand

Sunflowers in the garden, Hobbiton, near Matamata, New Zealand

Pohutukawa, Golden Bay, New Zealand

Pohutukawa, Golden Bay, New Zealand

Spectacular flora in the Lagoon Breeze garden, Rarotonga

Lotus flower, Srinagar, India

Lotus flower, Srinagar, India

Flowers on Alcatraz Island, San Francisco

Fern and naturally stained water, Ulva Island, New Zealand

Mosses, Ulva Island, New Zealand

Fern, Ulva Island, New Zealand

Exploding mud at Wai O Tapu, New Zealand

Exploding mud at Wai O Tapu, New Zealand

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