Mt Travers via SE Face, October 2017
Occasional Climber > See Images > See New Zealand – South Island > Nelson Lakes > Mt Travers via SE Face, October 2017

The pier at St Arnaud at the northern end of Lake Rotoiti

The pier at St Arnaud at the northern end of Lake Rotoiti

The view south up Travers Valley from the southern end of Lake Rotoiti

Grass flats just south of Lakehead Hut (620m)

Crossing the Travers River about an hour south of Lakehead Hut

First glimpse of the top 400m of Mt Travers (2,338m) northern aspect

The Travers River and the north side of Mt Travers

A tributary stream north of John Tait Hut

John Tait Hut beside the Travers River

John Tait Hut (800m)

Approaching Upper Travers Hut (1,320m)

Upper Travers Hut (1,320m)

A 4am alpine start, ascending a snow basin at about 1,500m

Approaching dawn at about 1,600m

Below the broad shoulder, at about 1,700m

The view east to the St Arnaud Range from the broad shoulder at 1,880m

Loosing some height on a sidle around to the next snow basin

Commencing our ascent of the second snow basin that gives access to the north east ridge

The gradient steepened as we ascended, here at about 1,900m

Departing the lip of a small schrund in the direction of the ridge, about 1,900m

Approaching the most exposed section of snow and rock beneath the ridge

Picking a way towards the ridge

Climbing Weetbix at about 2,000m

Traversing across to the north east ridge at 2,070m

Traversing across to the north east ridge at 2,070m

The view north from the north east ridge, with Mt Cupola (2,260m, far left), Mt Hopeless (2,278m, left), the Travers Valley in fog and the St Arnaud Range, right

Mt Hopeless (2,278m) and the Travers Valley

Mt Cupola (2,260m), viewed from the north east ridge at about 2,000m

The view north from about 1,950m on the north east ridge, with Mt Cupola (2,260m, far left), Mt Hopeless (2,278m, left), the Travers Valley and the St Arnaud Range, right. What appeared to be a "friendly exit ramp" is bottom far right

Descending the easier gradient north east ridge

Abseil set up

Abseiling on the first attempt route to reach the snow basin

On the traverse around at about 1,600m, with Upper Travers Hut bottom left

The eastern aspect of Mt Travers (2,338m) at dawn, viewed from behind Upper Travers Hut

The eastern aspect of Mt Travers at sunrise, viewed from behind Upper Travers Hut

Above the treeline on the way to Travers Saddle

Climbing towards Travers Saddle (1,787m), with the summit of Mt Travers (2,338m) and the grade 3 south ridge left. The crux notch is clearly visible

The south ridge and summit of Mt Travers, viewed from near Travers Saddle

Peaks to the south of Travers Saddle, with Mt Franklin obscured by cloud to the right

The south ridge and summit of Mt Travers, viewed from above Travers Saddle. Mt Cupola is just left partly in cloud

Mt Cupola (2,260m), viewed from above Travers Saddle

The south ridge and summit of Mt Travers, viewed from above Travers Saddle

The south ridge and summit of Mt Travers, viewed from above Travers Saddle. Our high point (2,000m) is the top of the broad snow field abit over halfway up in this picture

Approaching the base of the south ridge

The view back across Travers Saddle (1,787m) from low on the south ridge of Mt Travers

At our high point about 2,000m before the crux notch on the south ridge. Mt Travers' summit is about 350m higher up

Descending quickly softening snow on our way back to Travers Saddle

The summit of Mt Travers from below Travers Saddle

Returning to Upper Travers Hut beside the upper section of Travers River

A small waterfall on upper Travers River

Travers Falls, about an hour south of John Tait Hut

Travers Falls, about an hour south of John Tait Hut

The view from the pier at the southern end of Lake Rotoiti

Read about it
A snowball called Anxiety Wilderness Magazine Sep 19 Travers treasure Wilderness Magazine Jan 18
Travers by wire Wilderness Magazine Mar 18 A snowball called Anxiety Vertigo Nov 17
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