Tongariro crater circuit, August 2017
Occasional Climber > See Images > See New Zealand – North Island > Tongariro and Ngauruhoe > Tongariro crater circuit, August 2017

Tongariro (left) and Ngauruhoe, from the south end access road to the Tongariro Crossing

Mangatepopo Hut (1,190m) and the ridge leading to the summit of Tongariro

At about 1,400m, looking to Tongariro (left) and Ngauruhoe

At about 1,700m, looking to Ngauruhoe (left) and Ruapehu

At about 1,800m, looking to Ngauruhoe (left) and Ruapehu

Mount Ruapehu (2,797m)

At about 1,900m, with Ruapehu behind

On the summit ridge of Tongariro at about 1,950m

Just beneath the summit of Tongariro

On Tongariro's summit (1,967m), with Ngauruhoe (2,287m) behind

On Tongariro's summit (1,967m)

Sunset at our camp (1,820m) between Tongariro and the North Crater rim

Sunset at our camp (1,820m) between Tongariro (behind) and the North Crater

Mount Taranaki from our campsite, sunset

Dawn on North Crater's southern rim (1,909m). Tongariro's (1,967m) and Ngauruhoe's (2,287m) summits behind

Dawn on North Crater's southern rim (1,909m), looking northwest

Dawn on North Crater's southern rim (1,909m), looking northwest

Dawn on North Crater's southern rim (1,909m), looking north

Dawn on North Crater's southern rim (1,909m), looking north

Dawn on North Crater's southern rim (1,909m), looking east

Mount Taranaki at dawn, from North Crater's southern rim

Our camp (1,820m) between Tongariro and the North Crater rim, waiting for the sun to warm things up

Relieved of its fly, our tent tries to make its escape in the morning breeze

Back on North Crater's southern rim

Mount Taranaki from North Crater's rim

North Crater

Making our way around North Crater, with Mount Taranaki in the distance

Making our way around North Crater, with Ngauruhoe's summit behind

The wide flat expanse (1,850m) to the northeast of North Crater

The wide flat expanse (1,850m) to the northeast of North Crater

At the east side of the North Crater Plateau, looking towards Ketetahi and Lake Taupo

Looking southeast to the Blue Lake and Rotopaunga (1,856m, left)

Descending the steepest section on this route, off North Crater Plateau to the Tongariro Crossing's northern exit trail

On the western rim of Blue Lake, heading up towards Rotopaunga

Tackling a short steep icy section coming off Rotopaunga, as we circled Blue Lake on the eastern side

Heading around the eastern side of Blue Lake, with Red Crater, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu ahead

Heading around the eastern side of Blue Lake with, from left, Ruapehu, Red Crater, Ngauruhoe and Tongariro ahead

On the 1,850m high point beyond the southern end of Blue Lake, looking southwest to Red Crater, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu

On the 1,850m high point beyond the southern end of Blue Lake looking southwest to, from left, Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, Red Crater, Tongariro, North Crater Plateau and Rotopaunga. Central Crater and Blue Lake are in the foreground

Our lunch spot on the un-named 1,850m high point south of Blue Lake

From left - Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and Red Crater

Red Crater and Ngauruhoe

Red Crater, with three tiny figures enjoying the view from the top

Nearing the top of Red Crater (1,868m), with the un-named 1,850m high point behind

A view south across Red Crater to Ngauruhoe

A view south across Red Crater to Ngauruhoe

A view north from Red Crater to, from left, North Crater Plateau, Rotopaunga and the un-named 1,850m high point. Central Crater and Blue Lake are in the foreground

Dropping off Red Crater towards South Crater and Ngauruhoe

Tongariro and the ridge leading down to Mangatepopo Stream and Hut, viewed from the east on the southern section of the Tongariro Crossing

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