Departing Mangatepopo Hut (1,190m)
Across the Mangatepopo Stream, ascending the ridge leading up to Tongariro
At about 1,350m on the ridge
At about 1,450m on the ridge - the compass came in handy
At about 1,650m on the ridge
Approaching the summit ridge of Tongariro at about 1,940m
On the summit ridge of Tongariro at about 1,940m
Approaching the summit of Tongariro (1,978m)
Approaching the summit of Tongariro (1,978m)
On the summit of Tongariro (1,978m) - not really a day for photography
Above the Red Crater at about 1,700m, on the descent down the standard Tongariro Crossing route
View from Waiouru to Mount Ruapehu next morning - a little clearer but still blowing
Read about it Patience is a virtue Vertigo Aug 17

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